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Dream Big Books is...

A Multimedia Educational Platform that is an innovation in creative learning. Our unique creative process brings stories to life and engages audiences of all ages in a new way.  

Who We Spark!

Our educational platform is designed to engage and support kids throughout their youth and transition to adulthood. Throughout this journey, we engage aspiring youth to dream big and realize achievement.


Ages 3-10

Improved literacy and enhanced creative thinking


Inspires resilience to overcome Physical and Mental obstacles

Our â€‹books are created to educate this age group.


Ages 11-17

Improves self-identity​


Teaches storytelling


Team building experiences

Groups of students create a book through our collaborative team programs


Ages 18-26

Career Launching Pad


Creative Up-Skilling

Individual artist is commisioned to produce a full book

Each Story Includes A...

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Cover Story

An animated cover of the athlete that's ~ 45 seconds long while they tell a preview of their story. A 15-minute podcast interview between the collegiate athlete and the artist of each book will dive deeper into the athlete's life and the mindset they took to reach their goals. 


Printed Book

An approximately 10-page book telling the story of an athlete overcoming the obstacles they have faced in life to get to where they are today. Each fully funded book includes 1,000 copies that are donated to underserved communities. 


The left page of every spread is an Activity Page with the words in Spanish, allowing kids to interact with the story as well as color the drawing. The right page is a colored version, telling the story in English.

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Animated Films

A 3-minute film animation of the images from the Printed Book coming to life while the athlete reads the story allowed in the background. 


The second version will include a Custom Song created for the story that will be played as you watch the pages of the book be drawn and colored.

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